Eco Green Taxis Ltd
Eco Green Taxis Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Falcon Hotel Courtyard Falcon Hotel 7 High Street East LE15 9PY Uppingham
Phone: +44-1465 6082824
Fax: +44-1465 6082824
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Eco Green Taxis Ltd
Register date: 2012-09-10
Register number: 08207536
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Eco Green Taxis LtdOwner, director, manager of Eco Green Taxis Ltd
Nicola Jane Torbell Director. Address: Rolleston Road, Skeffington, Leicestershire, LE7 9YD, United Kingdom. DoB: January 1963, British
Jobs in Eco Green Taxis Ltd vacancies. Career and practice on Eco Green Taxis Ltd. Working and traineeship
Director. From GBP 6600
Plumber. From GBP 2100
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Eco Green Taxis Ltd with Companies House Reg No. 08207536 has been in this business field for 4 years. The PLC is officially located at Falcon Hotel Courtyard Falcon Hotel, 7 High Street East in Uppingham and company's zip code is LE15 9PY. This company is registered with SIC code 49320 which stands for Taxi operation. The company's most recent filed account data documents were submitted for the period up to 2015-07-31 and the most recent annual return information was submitted on 2015-09-10.
10 transactions have been registered in 2015 with a sum total of £8,253. In 2014 there was a similar number of transactions (exactly 12) that added up to £16,808. The Council conducted 2 transactions in 2013, this added up to £1,702. All the transactions taken into account were valued at 500 pounds or more. In total, the company conducted 26 transactions and issued invoices for £29,227. Cooperation with the Rutland County Council council covered the following areas: Transport Contract and Hire Of Taxis.
Currently, this business is directed by 1 director: Nicola Jane Torbell, who was designated to this position in 2012.