Frampton Construction Services Ltd
Construction of domestic buildings
Frampton Construction Services Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Crestwood, Sambourne Lane Coughton B49 5HS Warwickshire
Phone: +44-1489 5267639
Fax: +44-1489 5267639
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Frampton Construction Services Ltd
Register date: 2003-10-15
Register number: 04932566
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Frampton Construction Services LtdOwner, director, manager of Frampton Construction Services Ltd
Karen Lesley Frampton Director. Address: Crestwood, Sambourne Lane, Coughton, Warwickshire, B49 5HS. DoB: September 1966, British
Jayne Elizabeth Frampton Director. Address: Crestwood, Sambourne Lane, Coughton, Warwickshire, B49 5HS. DoB: February 1960, British
Steven James Frampton Director. Address: Crestwood, Sambourne Lane, Coughton, Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 5HS. DoB: December 1961, British
Michael Alan Frampton Director. Address: Crestwood, Sambourne Lane, Coughton, Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 5HS. DoB: October 1965, British
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Plumber. From GBP 1800
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Electrical Supervisor. From GBP 1500
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Project Co-ordinator. From GBP 1300
Assistant. From GBP 2000
Assistant. From GBP 2000
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This Frampton Construction Services Ltd business has been in this business field for thirteen years, having launched in 2003. Registered under the number 04932566, Frampton Construction Services is a PLC located in Crestwood, Sambourne Lane, Warwickshire B49 5HS. This business SIC and NACE codes are 41202 meaning Construction of domestic buildings. The firm's most recent financial reports cover the period up to November 30, 2015 and the latest annual return was released on October 15, 2015. It's been 13 years for Frampton Construction Services Limited in this field, it is still in the race and is an object of envy for it's competition.
According to this particular company's employees list, since April 2016 there have been four directors to name just a few: Karen Lesley Frampton, Jayne Elizabeth Frampton and Steven James Frampton.