Franpol Properties Limited
Franpol Properties Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: C/o Shelley Stock Hutter 7-10 Chandos Street W1G 9DQ London
Phone: +44-1337 6333862
Fax: +44-1337 6333862
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Franpol Properties Limited
Register date: 1967-10-10
Register number: 00917749
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Franpol Properties LimitedOwner, director, manager of Franpol Properties Limited
Nicholas Anthony Frankel-pollen Director. Address: C/O Shelley Stock Hutter, 7-10 Chandos Street, London, W1G 9DQ. DoB: September 1945, British
Raena Rachel Frankel Pollen Secretary. Address: C/O Shelley Stock Hutter, 7-10 Chandos Street, London, W1G 9DQ. DoB: October 1947, British
Raena Rachel Frankel Pollen Director. Address: C/O Shelley Stock Hutter, 7-10 Chandos Street, London, W1G 9DQ. DoB: October 1947, British
Caroline Frankel-pollen Director. Address: Stamens Church Lane, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 3AA. DoB: April 1912, British
Harold Frankel-pollen Director. Address: Queensmount Residential Home, 18 Queens Park West Drive, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH8 9DA. DoB: October 1916, British
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Based in C/o Shelley Stock Hutter, London W1G 9DQ Franpol Properties Limited is categorised as a PLC registered under the 00917749 Companies House Reg No.. It appeared on 1967-10-10. This business principal business activity number is 41100 - Development of building projects. The firm's latest filed account data documents cover the period up to 30th June 2015 and the most recent annual return was released on 29th December 2015. Fourty nine years of presence on this market comes to full flow with Franpol Properties Ltd as the company managed to keep their customers happy through all the years.
From the data we have gathered, this particular business was formed in October 1967 and has so far been presided over by four directors, and out of them two (Nicholas Anthony Frankel-pollen and Raena Rachel Frankel Pollen) are still active. To find professional help with legal documentation, since May 1998 the business has been implementing the ideas of Raena Rachel Frankel Pollen, age 69 who's been looking for creative solutions making sure that the firm follows with both legislation and regulation.