Frank Dymore Agencies Limited

All UK companiesWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles andFrank Dymore Agencies Limited

Non-specialised wholesale trade

Frank Dymore Agencies Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule

Address: Wellesley House 204 London Road PO7 7AN Waterlooville

Phone: +44-1454 6069366

Fax: +44-1454 6069366

Email: n\a



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Registration data Frank Dymore Agencies Limited

Register date: 2014-02-21

Register number: 08905919

Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Owner, director, manager of Frank Dymore Agencies Limited

Lisa Ferguson Director. Address: Milland, Liphook, GU30 7LY, England. DoB: March 1967, British

Frank Dymore Director. Address: 204 London Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 7AN, United Kingdom. DoB: September 1954, British

Jobs in Frank Dymore Agencies Limited vacancies. Career and practice on Frank Dymore Agencies Limited. Working and traineeship

Electrician. From GBP 1900

Engineer. From GBP 2800

Controller. From GBP 2200

Engineer. From GBP 2700

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The company called Frank Dymore Agencies has been established on 2014-02-21 as a PLC. The company registered office could be gotten hold of Waterlooville on Wellesley House, 204 London Road. When you need to get in touch with the company by mail, its postal code is PO7 7AN. The company company registration number for Frank Dymore Agencies Limited is 08905919. The company principal business activity number is 46900 which stands for Non-specialised wholesale trade. Frank Dymore Agencies Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period up to 31st March 2016. Its latest annual return information was filed on 21st February 2016. For as long as 2 years Frank Dymore Agencies Ltd has been one of the local leaders in this particular field.

Lisa Ferguson and Frank Dymore are registered as the company's directors and have been doing everything they can to help the company since 2015.