Social Indigo Limited

All UK companiesProfessional, scientific and technical activitiesSocial Indigo Limited

Other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified

Social Indigo Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule

Address: 407 Lisburn Road BT9 7EW Belfast

Phone: +44-1257 4584289

Fax: +44-1257 4584289

Email: n\a



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Registration data Social Indigo Limited

Register date: 2014-04-23

Register number: NI624224

Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Owner, director, manager of Social Indigo Limited

Roger Anthony Warnock Director. Address: Laurelbank Road, Saintfield, Ballynahinch, BT24 7LT, Northern Ireland. DoB: March 1970, British

Paul Mcminn Director. Address: Stoneypath, Londonderry, BT47 2AF, Northern Ireland. DoB: October 1960, British

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Project Planner. From GBP 2400

Controller. From GBP 2500

Director. From GBP 7000

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Social Indigo is a business registered at BT9 7EW Belfast at 407 Lisburn Road. This enterprise was established in 2014 and is established under the identification number NI624224. This enterprise has existed on the British market for two years now and company official state is is active. This enterprise SIC code is 74909 and their NACE code stands for Other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified. The most recent records were filed up to 2015-04-30 and the latest annual return was submitted on 2016-04-23. Social Indigo Ltd has been a force to be reckoned with for 2 years now.

The company has 1 director at present controlling this particular firm, namely Roger Anthony Warnock who has been utilizing the director's duties for two years. The following firm had been led by Paul Mcminn (age 56) who finally gave up the position on 2016-06-01.