Sandhu Chiropractic Limited
Other human health activities
Sandhu Chiropractic Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 64 Alchester Court NN12 6RP Towcester
Phone: +44-1369 4264862
Fax: +44-1369 4264862
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sandhu Chiropractic Limited
Register date: 2007-06-12
Register number: 06277244
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Sandhu Chiropractic LimitedOwner, director, manager of Sandhu Chiropractic Limited
Dr Surinder Pal Sandhu Director. Address: Broadway House, 4-6 The Broadway, Bedford, MK40 2TE, England. DoB: November 1960, British
Anita Sandhu Secretary. Address: 30 Eastdale Close, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8LZ. DoB: September 1974, Other
Nirmela Sandhu Director. Address: 30 Eastdale Close, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8LZ. DoB: May 1967, British
Dr Surinder Pal Sandhu Director. Address: 30 Eastdale Close, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8LZ. DoB: November 1960, British
Boota Sandhu Director. Address: 30 Eastdale Close, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8LZ. DoB: January 1940, British
Anita Sandhu Director. Address: 30 Eastdale Close, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8LZ. DoB: September 1974, Other
Buksho Sandhu Director. Address: 2116 Springwood, Carrollton, Dallas, Texas 75006, United States. DoB: December 1969, British
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Sandhu Chiropractic started its business in the year 2007 as a PLC with reg. no. 06277244. The company has been operating successfully for 9 years and it's currently active. This firm's registered office is based in Towcester at 64 Alchester Court. You can also find the company by its postal code of NN12 6RP. This enterprise is registered with SIC code 86900 and their NACE code stands for Other human health activities. Sandhu Chiropractic Ltd released its account information up till 2015-12-29. The most recent annual return information was released on 2016-06-12. It has been nine years since Sandhu Chiropractic Ltd has debuted in the field is officially located at they are unstoppable.
We have a solitary director this particular moment leading the following company, namely Dr Surinder Pal Sandhu who has been performing the director's duties for 9 years. The company had been governed by Nirmela Sandhu (age 49) who finally quit in 2016. As a follow-up another director, including Dr Surinder Pal Sandhu, age 56 gave up the position eight years ago. Additionally, the managing director's responsibilities are continually supported by a secretary - Anita Sandhu, age 42, from who was selected by this company in 2008.