Sandras Unisex Hair Salon Ltd.
Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
Sandras Unisex Hair Salon Ltd. contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 21 Woodlands Road Dingwall IV15 9LJ Ross Shire
Phone: +44-1571 9274627
Fax: +44-1571 9274627
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sandras Unisex Hair Salon Ltd.
Register date: 2003-01-15
Register number: SC242350
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Sandras Unisex Hair Salon Ltd.Owner, director, manager of Sandras Unisex Hair Salon Ltd.
Sandra Morton Director. Address: 21 Woodlands Road, Dingwall, Ross Shire, IV15 9LJ. DoB: September 1949, British
Tom Morton Secretary. Address: 21 Woodlands Road, Dingwall, Ross Shire, IV15 9LJ. DoB: n\a, British
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This particular Sandras Unisex Hair Salon Ltd. business has been operating in this business field for at least thirteen years, having launched in 2003. Registered with number SC242350, Sandras Unisex Hair Salon is a Private Limited Company with office in 21 Woodlands Road, Ross Shire IV15 9LJ. This business is classified under the NACe and SiC code 96020 , that means Hairdressing and other beauty treatment. The business latest filings were filed up to 2016/01/31 and the latest annual return was filed on 2016/01/15. 13 years of experience in this field of business comes to full flow with Sandras Unisex Hair Salon Limited. as they managed to keep their customers happy throughout their long history.
There is just one managing director at present employed by the following firm, namely Sandra Morton who's been carrying out the director's assignments for thirteen years. What is more, the managing director's assignments are continually backed by a secretary - Tom Morton, from who was hired by this specific firm on Wednesday 15th January 2003.