Sandwell Asian Development Association
Activities of sport clubs
Sandwell Asian Development Association contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 40 Trinity Road North West Bromwich B70 6ND West Midlands
Phone: 07931 636452
Fax: 07931 636452
Email: [email protected]
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sandwell Asian Development Association
Register date: 2006-11-02
Register number: 05986924
Type of company: Pri/lbg/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital, Use Of 'limited' Exemption)
Get full report form global database UK for Sandwell Asian Development AssociationOwner, director, manager of Sandwell Asian Development Association
Mohammed Zafran Director. Address: 40 Trinity Road North, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 6ND. DoB: May 1990, British
Amir Baz Director. Address: 34 Walter Street, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 6HR. DoB: April 1952, British
Imran Mohammed Director. Address: 40 Trinity Road North, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 6ND. DoB: March 1980, British
Arshard Majeed Director. Address: 6 Spring Court, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 6HS. DoB: November 1979, British
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Sandwell Asian Development Association is a firm registered at B70 6ND West Midlands at 40 Trinity Road North. This firm was set up in 2006 and is established under the registration number 05986924. This firm has existed on the English market for 10 years now and company status at the time is is active. This firm SIC code is 93120 meaning Activities of sport clubs. Its latest filed account data documents were filed up to March 31, 2015 and the latest annual return information was released on June 9, 2016. Sandwell Asian Development Association has been in this field of business for the last ten years.
The firm was registered as a charity on 2007/10/09. It operates under charity registration number 1121109. The geographic range of the enterprise's activity is sandwell - west midlands and it operates in different places around Birmingham City, Sandwell. The Sandwell Asian Development Association discloses the names of three representatives of the trustee committee, i.e., Imran Mohammed, Amir Baz and Arshard Majeed. As for the charity's financial statement, their most successful time was in 2012 when they earned £62,108 and their expenditures were £59,412. Sandwell Asian Development Association engages in training and education, the problems of unemployment and economic and community development , amateur sports activities. It strives to aid the youngest, people of particular ethnic or racial backgrounds. It provides help to the above beneficiaries by the means of providing specific services. If you want to find out anything else about the charity's activity, dial them on this number 07931 636452 or visit their official website. If you want to find out anything else about the charity's activity, mail them on this e-mail [email protected] or visit their official website.
In order to meet the requirements of its customer base, the company is constantly supervised by a unit of three directors who are Mohammed Zafran, Amir Baz and Imran Mohammed. Their mutual commitment has been of cardinal use to this specific company since 2006.