Sandwell Estates Ltd
Buying and selling of own real estate
Sandwell Estates Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Business Innovation Centre Harry Weston Road CV3 2TX Coventry
Phone: +44-1288 1632263
Fax: +44-1288 1632263
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sandwell Estates Ltd
Register date: 2011-02-21
Register number: 07537231
Type of company: Private Limited Company
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The enterprise is known as Sandwell Estates Ltd. The firm was founded five years ago and was registered with 07537231 as the company registration number. The head office of the firm is located in Coventry. You may find it at Business Innovation Centre, Harry Weston Road. The enterprise SIC code is 68100 meaning Buying and selling of own real estate. There are two directors in the company: Ac Harris, Mj Holland . The company's most recent filed account data documents were submitted for the period up to August 19, 2014 and the most current annual return information was submitted on February 21, 2014.