Drummonds Estate Agents Limited

All UK companiesReal estate activitiesDrummonds Estate Agents Limited

Real estate agencies

Drummonds Estate Agents Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule

Address: 63 Queensway TS23 2LU Billingham

Phone: +44-114 6999633

Fax: +44-114 6999633

Email: n\a



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Registration data Drummonds Estate Agents Limited

Register date: 2009-02-13

Register number: 06818497

Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Owner, director, manager of Drummonds Estate Agents Limited

Jamie Drummond Director. Address: n\a. DoB: October 1980, British

Ryan Drummond Director. Address: Ouston, Chester Le Street, Co. Durham, DH2 1QU, England. DoB: February 1984, British

Janice Drummond Director. Address: Burdon Walk, Castle Eden, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS27 4FD, United Kingdom. DoB: December 1960, British

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Engineer. From GBP 2000

Driver. From GBP 1800

Project Planner. From GBP 3800

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Drummonds Estate Agents Limited can be contacted at 63 Queensway, in Billingham. The firm postal code is TS23 2LU. Drummonds Estate Agents has been on the market since it was established in 2009. The firm reg. no. is 06818497. The enterprise SIC and NACE codes are 68310 , that means Real estate agencies. Drummonds Estate Agents Ltd released its account information up till Tuesday 31st March 2015. The business latest annual return information was released on Friday 12th February 2016. It has been 7 years from the moment Drummonds Estate Agents Ltd has appeared in this field is officially located at they are showing no signs of stopping.

Our information related to this company's staff members shows us employment of three directors: Jamie Drummond, Ryan Drummond and Janice Drummond who joined the company's Management Board on Wed, 11th Feb 2015, Fri, 13th Feb 2009.