Duncan Fisher Contracting Llp
Duncan Fisher Contracting Llp contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Groan Farm Logiealmond PH1 3TQ Perth
Phone: +44-1371 3829528
Fax: +44-1371 3829528
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Duncan Fisher Contracting Llp
Register date: 2011-11-30
Register number: SO303670
Type of company: Limited Liability Partnership
Get full report form global database UK for Duncan Fisher Contracting LlpOwner, director, manager of Duncan Fisher Contracting Llp
Duncan Fisher Llp-designated-member. Address: Logiealmond, Perth, PH1 3TQ, Scotland. DoB: December 1966, Scottish
Angeline Fisher Llp-designated-member. Address: Logiealmond, Perth, PH1 3TQ, Scotland. DoB: February 1965, Scottish
Stephanie Fisher Llp-member. Address: Logiealmond, Perth, PH1 3TQ, Scotland. DoB: May 1993, Scottish
Jobs in Duncan Fisher Contracting Llp vacancies. Career and practice on Duncan Fisher Contracting Llp. Working and traineeship
Administrator. From GBP 2000
Electrician. From GBP 1700
Engineer. From GBP 2200
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Duncan Fisher Contracting Llp can be found at Perth at Groan Farm. You can look up the firm by the post code - PH1 3TQ. Duncan Fisher Contracting Llp's incorporation dates back to year 2011. This business is registered under the number SO303670 and their public status is active - proposal to strike off. The business name of the firm got changed in 2012 to Duncan Fisher Contracting Llp. This business former name was D Fisher Contracting Llp. 2014/11/30 is the last time company accounts were reported.