Cowboy Cosmonaut Films Limited
Motion picture production activities
Cowboy Cosmonaut Films Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Flat 1 340a Kilburn Lane W9 3EF London
Phone: +44-1452 2480407
Fax: +44-1571 9274627
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Cowboy Cosmonaut Films Limited
Register date: 2014-05-08
Register number: 09029273
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Cowboy Cosmonaut Films LimitedOwner, director, manager of Cowboy Cosmonaut Films Limited
Ashley Holberry Director. Address: Belsize Road, London, NW6 4AB, United Kingdom. DoB: November 1988, British
Gavin Cosmos Mehrtens Director. Address: 340a Kilburn Lane, London, W9 3EF, United Kingdom. DoB: April 1986, British
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Tester. From GBP 3600
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Cleaner. From GBP 1200
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This firm is registered in London under the ID 09029273. This firm was established in the year 2014. The headquarters of this firm is located at Flat 1 340a Kilburn Lane. The post code for this place is W9 3EF. This business SIC and NACE codes are 59111 , that means Motion picture production activities. Its most recent financial reports were filed up to May 31, 2015 and the most current annual return was submitted on June 23, 2016. Cowboy Cosmonaut Films Ltd has been the local leader in this field for the last two years.
Due to the following enterprise's number of employees, it was unavoidable to recruit more members of the board of directors: Ashley Holberry and Gavin Cosmos Mehrtens who have been participating in joint efforts for 2 years to exercise independent judgement of this specific company.