Elderman Limited
Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate
Elderman Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 27 Columbia Road BH10 4DZ Bournemouth
Phone: +44-1569 3772674
Fax: +44-1303 7536865
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Elderman Limited
Register date: 1980-11-03
Register number: 01526029
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Elderman LimitedOwner, director, manager of Elderman Limited
Stewart Graham Homer Director. Address: Stirling Road, Bournemouth, BH3 7JH, England. DoB: August 1959, British
Robert James Pardy Director. Address: Wentworth Avenue, Bournemouth, BH5 2EQ, England. DoB: October 1950, British
Neville Locke Director. Address: 22 Tamarisk Gardens, Bitterne, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 4RA. DoB: May 1948, British
Neville Locke Director. Address: 22 Tamarisk Gardens, Bitterne, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 4RA. DoB: May 1948, British
Christine Locke Director. Address: 22 Tamarisk Gardens, Bitterne, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 4RA. DoB: March 1947, British
William Locke Director. Address: 20 Somerset Avenue, Bitterne, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 5FL. DoB: April 1918, British
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Driver. From GBP 2100
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Elderman Limited can be gotten hold of 27 Columbia Road, in Bournemouth. The firm post code is BH10 4DZ. Elderman has been actively competing on the market since the company was registered on 1980-11-03. The firm Companies House Reg No. is 01526029. The firm SIC and NACE codes are 68209 meaning Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. The business latest filed account data documents were submitted for the period up to November 2, 2015 and the most current annual return information was submitted on December 28, 2015. It's been 36 years for Elderman Ltd on the local market, it is still strong and is an example for it's competition.
From the data we have, the following business was built in November 1980 and has so far been steered by six directors, and out of them three (Stewart Graham Homer, Robert James Pardy and Neville Locke) are still a part of the company.