Elders Chemists Limited
Dispensing chemist in specialised stores
Elders Chemists Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 7 Goat Street SA61 1PX Haverfordwest
Phone: +44-1342 4335449
Fax: +44-1366 5140472
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Elders Chemists Limited
Register date: 1950-01-24
Register number: 00477544
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Elders Chemists LimitedOwner, director, manager of Elders Chemists Limited
Thomas Arthur Elder Director. Address: 75 Great North Road, Milford Haven, Dyfed, SA73 2ND. DoB: April 1929, British
Margaret Rose Elder Director. Address: Norwood Avenue, Southmoor, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX13 5AD, England. DoB: June 1944, British
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The enterprise is widely known as Elders Chemists Limited. The company was established 66 years ago and was registered under 00477544 as its registration number. This registered office of this firm is based in Haverfordwest. You can contact it at 7 Goat Street, . The enterprise declared SIC number is 47730 , that means Dispensing chemist in specialised stores. Elders Chemists Ltd released its account information up until 2015-02-28. The business latest annual return information was filed on 2015-09-28. Elders Chemists Ltd is an ideal example that a business can constantly deliver the highest quality of services for over sixty six years and enjoy a constant high level of success.
The following limited company owes its accomplishments and permanent progress to exactly two directors, namely Thomas Arthur Elder and Margaret Rose Elder, who have been controlling the firm for 25 years.