Eldon Haulage Limited
Eldon Haulage Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Haimwood Church Lane TN35 4QB Westfield
Phone: +44-1529 5889739
Fax: +44-1436 4747436
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Eldon Haulage Limited
Register date: 2002-11-05
Register number: 04582074
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Eldon Haulage LimitedOwner, director, manager of Eldon Haulage Limited
Jane Eldon Secretary. Address: 1 Norman Villas, High Street, Robertsbridge, East Sussex, TN32 5AG. DoB:
Ryan Eldon Director. Address: 1 Norman Villas, High Street, Robertsbridge, East Sussex, TN32 5AG. DoB: September 1963, British
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Eldon Haulage Limited can be reached at Haimwood, Church Lane in Westfield. The firm postal code is TN35 4QB. Eldon Haulage has been active on the British market since the company was established in 2002. The firm registered no. is 04582074. The enterprise Standard Industrial Classification Code is 49410 , that means Freight transport by road. Its most recent filed account data documents cover the period up to 2015-11-30 and the most recent annual return information was submitted on 2015-11-05. It's been 14 years for Eldon Haulage Ltd on this market, it is constantly pushing forward and is an example for it's competition.
Eldon Haulage Limited is a small-sized transport company with the licence number OK1016793. The firm has one transport operating centre in the country. In their subsidiary in Robertsbridge on Mountfield, 2 machines and 2 trailers are available. The company transport managers is Ryan Eldon. The firm director is Ryan Eldon.
As for this particular business, the full scope of director's responsibilities have so far been performed by Ryan Eldon who was appointed in 2002. In order to maximise its growth, for the last nearly one month this business has been making use of Jane Eldon, who has been responsible for making sure that the firm follows with both legislation and regulation.