Eleffent Limited
Eleffent Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Glebe Cottage Pixie Lane Warkleigh EX37 9DH Umberleigh
Phone: +44-1239 5522796
Fax: +44-1478 9678375
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Eleffent Limited
Register date: 2003-01-29
Register number: 04651594
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Eleffent LimitedOwner, director, manager of Eleffent Limited
Carol Klein Director. Address: Glebe Cottage, Warkleigh, Umberleigh, Devon, EX37 9DH. DoB: June 1945, British
Neil Klein Director. Address: Glebe Cottage,Pixie Lane, Warkleigh, Umberleigh, Devon, EX37 9DH. DoB: July 1953, British
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Carpenter. From GBP 2500
Cleaner. From GBP 1100
Other personal. From GBP 1100
Welder. From GBP 1700
Administrator. From GBP 2300
Controller. From GBP 2200
Welder. From GBP 1700
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Eleffent Limited can be reached at Glebe Cottage Pixie Lane, Warkleigh in Umberleigh. The firm post code is EX37 9DH. Eleffent has been actively competing in this business for thirteen years. The firm reg. no. is 04651594. The firm principal business activity number is 43320 and their NACE code stands for Joinery installation. Eleffent Ltd filed its account information up till Sat, 31st Jan 2015. Its latest annual return was filed on Fri, 29th Jan 2016. Since the company began in this field of business 13 years ago, the firm managed to sustain its great level of prosperity.
Because of the following firm's constant growth, it became imperative to hire new members of the board of directors: Carol Klein and Neil Klein who have been aiding each other for thirteen years to fulfil their statutory duties for this limited company.