Elena Gee Limited
Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
Elena Gee Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 1 Kings Avenue Winchmore Hill N21 3NA London
Phone: +44-1258 9188385
Fax: +44-1409 4920745
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Elena Gee Limited
Register date: 2002-05-20
Register number: 04442760
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Elena Gee LimitedOwner, director, manager of Elena Gee Limited
George Georgiou Secretary. Address: Kings Avenue, Winchmore Hill, London, N21 3NA, England. DoB:
Elena Georgiou Director. Address: Kings Avenue, Winchmore Hill, London, N21 3NA, England. DoB: March 1966, British
Agk Secretarial Ltd Corporate-secretary. Address: 1 Kings Avenue, London, N21 3NA. DoB:
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Elena Gee Limited may be reached at 1 Kings Avenue, Winchmore Hill in London. The postal code is N21 3NA. Elena Gee has been active in this business for 14 years. The Companies House Registration Number is 04442760. This business principal business activity number is 96020 - Hairdressing and other beauty treatment. The business most recent records cover the period up to October 31, 2015 and the latest annual return was submitted on May 20, 2016. It has been fourteen years for Elena Gee Ltd in this field, it is constantly pushing forward and is an object of envy for many.
As of now, the firm has only been supervised by an individual director: Elena Georgiou who has been presiding over it for 14 years. In addition, the managing director's duties are regularly bolstered by a secretary - George Georgiou, from who found employment in this specific firm in January 2003.