Elephant Branded (products) Ltd
Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
Elephant Branded (products) Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 377 Wigan Lane WN1 2RE Wigan
Phone: +44-1291 7923034
Fax: +44-1304 2692718
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Elephant Branded (products) Ltd
Register date: 2012-04-18
Register number: 08036711
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Elephant Branded (products) LtdOwner, director, manager of Elephant Branded (products) Ltd
Kate Boon Director. Address: Wigan Lane, Wigan, WN1 2RE. DoB: August 1991, British
Alex Hartley Director. Address: Wigan Lane, Wigan, WN1 2RE. DoB: January 1979, British
James Boon Director. Address: Wigan Lane, Wigan, WN1 2RE, United Kingdom. DoB: March 1989, British
Timothy Mendelssohn Director. Address: Wigan Lane, Wigan, WN1 2RE. DoB: November 1988, British
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Located in 377 Wigan Lane, Wigan WN1 2RE Elephant Branded (products) Ltd is a Private Limited Company with 08036711 Companies House Reg No.. This company was founded on 18th April 2012. The company known today as Elephant Branded (products) Ltd was known under the name Elephant Branded up till 29th April 2014 at which point the business name was replaced. The firm Standard Industrial Classification Code is 47910 meaning Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet. The firm's latest financial reports were filed up to 2015/04/30 and the most recent annual return was submitted on 2016/04/18. Right from the get go four years ago, it has been a reference point for others in this field of business, achieving spectacular success.
Given this specific enterprise's magnitude, it became imperative to employ extra company leaders: Kate Boon, Alex Hartley and James Boon who have been cooperating since April 2014 to promote the success of the firm.