Elephant Communications Limited

All UK companiesProfessional, scientific and technical activitiesElephant Communications Limited

Public relations and communications activities

Elephant Communications Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule

Address: 1 Wiremill Lane Newchapel RH7 6HJ Lingfield

Phone: +44-1394 4355224

Fax: +44-1436 4747436

Email: n\a



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Registration data Elephant Communications Limited

Register date: 2011-06-23

Register number: 07680669

Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Owner, director, manager of Elephant Communications Limited

Guy Bellamy Director. Address: Wiremill Lane, Newchapel, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6HJ, United Kingdom. DoB: September 1969, British

Lindsay Amanda Marino Director. Address: Garden Close, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8LR, England. DoB: August 1981, British

Joanna Bellamy Director. Address: Wiremill Lane, Newchapel, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6HJ, United Kingdom. DoB: August 1970, British

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This firm named Elephant Communications has been founded on 2011-06-23 as a Private Limited Company. This firm office is gotten hold of Lingfield on 1 Wiremill Lane, Newchapel. Should you need to reach this business by mail, its area code is RH7 6HJ. It's registration number for Elephant Communications Limited is 07680669. Since 2011-07-01 Elephant Communications Limited is no longer under the business name Elephant Communication. This firm principal business activity number is 70210 : Public relations and communications activities. 2015-06-30 is the last time the company accounts were reported. This firm managed to reach a significant degree of success around the time when the firm debuted in this field of business 5 years ago.

Regarding this particular limited company, just about all of director's tasks have so far been executed by Guy Bellamy who was employed in 2011. The following limited company had been governed by Lindsay Amanda Marino (age 35) who ultimately gave up the position in 2014. As a follow-up another director, namely Joanna Bellamy, age 46 gave up the position in November 2011.