Glentham Farming Company Limited
Mixed farming
Glentham Farming Company Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Barff Farm, Barff Lane Glentham LN8 2EY Market Rasen
Phone: +44-118 9707763
Fax: +44-1478 5086364
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Glentham Farming Company Limited
Register date: 1987-10-08
Register number: 02175562
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Glentham Farming Company LimitedOwner, director, manager of Glentham Farming Company Limited
Rachel Barton Secretary. Address: Farm, Willingham Road Lea, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 5EN, United Kingdom. DoB: January 1959, British
James Winston Barton Director. Address: Barff Farm, Barff Lane, Glentham, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2EY. DoB: September 1955, British
Jobs in Glentham Farming Company Limited vacancies. Career and practice on Glentham Farming Company Limited. Working and traineeship
Carpenter. From GBP 1700
Engineer. From GBP 2700
Director. From GBP 6300
Package Manager. From GBP 1600
Tester. From GBP 2800
Controller. From GBP 2300
Package Manager. From GBP 1300
Package Manager. From GBP 2100
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02175562 is the company registration number of Glentham Farming Company Limited. This company was registered as a PLC on 1987-10-08. This company has been actively competing on the British market for 29 years. The enterprise is found at Barff Farm, Barff Lane Glentham in Market Rasen. The company zip code assigned to this address is LN8 2EY. The enterprise declared SIC number is 1500 - Mixed farming. 2015-10-31 is the last time account status updates were reported. Twenty nine years of competing in this field comes to full flow with Glentham Farming Co Limited as the company managed to keep their customers satisfied through all this time.
Glentham Farming Company Limited is a small-sized vehicle operator with the licence number OF1128689. The firm has one transport operating centre in the country. In their subsidiary in Market Rasen on Barff Lane, 3 machines and 1 trailer are available. The firm director is James Winston Barton.
James Winston Barton is this specific firm's solitary managing director, who was assigned to lead the company 25 years ago. Furthermore, the director's responsibilities are regularly supported by a secretary - Rachel Barton, age 57, from who was recruited by the following business 25 years ago.