Glenton Road Freehold Limited

All UK companiesActivities of households as employers; undifferentiatedGlenton Road Freehold Limited

Residents property management

Glenton Road Freehold Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule

Address: 10 Glenton Road Lewisham SE13 5RS London

Phone: +44-1578 1003295

Fax: +44-1250 1925598

Email: n\a



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Registration data Glenton Road Freehold Limited

Register date: 2005-01-05

Register number: 05324195

Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Owner, director, manager of Glenton Road Freehold Limited

David Mattin Secretary. Address: Glenton Road, London, SE13 5RS, England. DoB:

David Mattin Director. Address: Glenton Road, London, SE13 5RS, England. DoB: February 1980, British

Benjamin John Brookes Director. Address: 10a Glenton Road, London, SE13 5RS. DoB: July 1980, British

Laura O Connor Secretary. Address: 10b Glenton Road, London, SE13 5RS. DoB: n\a, British

Laura Christina Mary Taggart O'connor Director. Address: 10b Glenton Road, London, SE13 5RS. DoB: November 1966, British

Andrew Carney Secretary. Address: 10b Glenton Road, London, SE13 5RS. DoB: n\a, British

Stl Secretaries Ltd Secretary. Address: Edbrooke House, St Johns Rd, Woking, Surrey, GU21 7SE. DoB:

Stl Directors Ltd Director. Address: Edbrooke House, St Johns Rd, Woking, Surrey, GU21 7SE. DoB:

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Electrician. From GBP 2200

Driver. From GBP 2300

Engineer. From GBP 2700

Welder. From GBP 1500

Welder. From GBP 1400

Administrator. From GBP 2000

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05324195 is the company registration number of Glenton Road Freehold Limited. This firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2005-01-05. This firm has been present in this business for the last eleven years. The enterprise may be gotten hold of 10 Glenton Road Lewisham in London. The company area code assigned to this address is SE13 5RS. The enterprise declared SIC number is 98000 and their NACE code stands for Residents property management. The company's most recent financial reports cover the period up to Saturday 31st January 2015 and the latest annual return information was submitted on Tuesday 5th January 2016. It has been 11 years for Glenton Road Freehold Ltd in this field of business, it is still strong and is an example for the competition.

In order to meet the requirements of the client base, this firm is being controlled by a unit of two directors who are David Mattin and Benjamin John Brookes. Their successful cooperation has been of extreme use to this firm for three years. In order to help the directors in their tasks, for the last nearly one month this firm has been providing employment to David Mattin, who's been responsible for ensuring efficient administration of this company.