Invicta Aviation Limited

All UK companiesTransportation and storageInvicta Aviation Limited

Non-scheduled passenger air transport

Invicta Aviation Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule

Address: 13 Cherry Orchard CT5 3NH Whitstable

Phone: +44-1250 6302276

Fax: +44-1520 6221801

Email: n\a



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Registration data Invicta Aviation Limited

Register date: 1998-01-30

Register number: 03502115

Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Owner, director, manager of Invicta Aviation Limited

Edith Martha Georges Ryckmans Director. Address: Mechelsesteen We6, Bion Heiden, 2820, 2820, Belgium. DoB: July 1966, Belgian

Michael George Harridine Secretary. Address: Cherry Orchard, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3NH. DoB: n\a, British

Tony Mark August De Bruyn Director. Address: Mechelsesteenweg 317, 2820 Bonheiden, Belgium. DoB: December 1964, Belgian

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Invicta Aviation Limited with Companies House Reg No. 03502115 has been on the market for 18 years. The PLC is located at 13 Cherry Orchard, in Whitstable and their area code is CT5 3NH. The registered name of the company got changed in 2001 to Invicta Aviation Limited. This business previous registered name was Real Aviation. This business SIC code is 51102 meaning Non-scheduled passenger air transport. 2016-01-31 is the last time the accounts were filed. Eighteen years of competing on the market comes to full flow with Invicta Aviation Ltd as the company managed to keep their customers happy throughout their long history.

Our info about the following enterprise's members indicates that there are two directors: Edith Martha Georges Ryckmans and Tony Mark August De Bruyn who joined the company's Management Board on 2012-08-03 and 1998-02-16. To increase its productivity, since 1998 the limited company has been making use of Michael George Harridine, who has been focusing on ensuring that the Board's meetings are effectively organised.