Krishna Ickenham Limited
Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating
Krishna Ickenham Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Desai & Co Accountants Desai House 9-13 Holbrook Lane CV6 4AD Coventry
Phone: +44-113 9906890
Fax: +44-113 9906890
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Krishna Ickenham Limited
Register date: 2012-07-20
Register number: 08151848
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Krishna Ickenham LimitedOwner, director, manager of Krishna Ickenham Limited
Trusha Priyesh Patel Director. Address: Gordon Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 3QR, United Kingdom. DoB: October 1969, British
Priyesh Kanubhai Patel Director. Address: Gordon Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 3QR, United Kingdom. DoB: November 1966, British
Jobs in Krishna Ickenham Limited vacancies. Career and practice on Krishna Ickenham Limited. Working and traineeship
Package Manager. From GBP 2300
Package Manager. From GBP 2400
Engineer. From GBP 2300
Administrator. From GBP 2000
Welder. From GBP 1300
Director. From GBP 5200
Welder. From GBP 1700
Welder. From GBP 2000
Electrical Supervisor. From GBP 2100
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Krishna Ickenham Limited has existed in the United Kingdom for at least 4 years. Registered under the number 08151848 in the year 2012/07/20, the firm is registered at Desai & Co Accountants Desai House, Coventry CV6 4AD. This enterprise SIC and NACE codes are 47110 and their NACE code stands for Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating. Krishna Ickenham Ltd reported its latest accounts up until 2015-07-31. The business latest annual return information was submitted on 2015-07-20. From the moment the company was launched four years ago, it quickly became a cornerstone of the market.
The firm works in retail industry. Its FHRSID is 35541. It reports to Hillingdon and its last food inspection was carried out on 2010-04-01 , London, UB10 8TB. The most recent quality assessment result obtained by the company is 5, which translates as very good. The components comprising this value are the following inspection results: 5 for hygiene, 5 for its structural management and 5 for confidence in management.
Trusha Priyesh Patel and Priyesh Kanubhai Patel are the enterprise's directors and have been doing everything they can to help the company since 2012.