Krishna Property Llp

All UK companiesOther classificationKrishna Property Llp

Krishna Property Llp contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule

Address: 208 Cannon Lane Pinner HA5 1JD Middlesex

Phone: +44-1563 8659118

Fax: +44-1563 8659118

Email: n\a



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Registration data Krishna Property Llp

Register date: 2006-09-15

Register number: OC322412

Type of company: Limited Liability Partnership

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Owner, director, manager of Krishna Property Llp

Nina Madlani Llp-designated-member. Address: 134 Meadway, Barnet, EN5 5JX. DoB:

Hitesh Sodha Llp-designated-member. Address: 19 Lambourn Court, Emerson Valley, Milton Keynes, MK4 2DA. DoB: February 1963, British

Reena Madlani Llp-designated-member. Address: 134 Meadway, Barnet, EN5 5JX. DoB:

Rishi Subhash Madlani Llp-designated-member. Address: 208 Cannon Lane, Pinner, HA5 1JD. DoB: February 1982, British

Sheena Madlani Llp-designated-member. Address: 134 Meadway, Barnet, EN5 5JX. DoB:

Reemal Madlani Llp-designated-member. Address: 208 Cannon Lane, Pinner, HA5 1JD. DoB:

Jpcord Limited Llp-designated-member. Address: 17 City Business Centre, Lower Road, London, SE16 2XB. DoB:

Jpcors Limited Llp-designated-member. Address: 17 City Business Centre, Lower Road, London, SE16 2XB. DoB:

Subhash Madlani Llp-designated-member. Address: 208 Cannon Lane, Pinner, HA5 1JD. DoB:

Jobs in Krishna Property Llp vacancies. Career and practice on Krishna Property Llp. Working and traineeship

Manager. From GBP 3200

Engineer. From GBP 2800

Carpenter. From GBP 2500

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This business operates under the name of Krishna Property Llp. The company was started ten years ago and was registered with OC322412 as its reg. no.. This particular headquarters of this firm is registered in Middlesex. You may visit it at 208 Cannon Lane, Pinner. Krishna Property Llp released its account information up till Tuesday 31st March 2015. The company's most recent annual return was filed on Tuesday 15th September 2015. Krishna Property Llp has been in this field of business for 10 years.