5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Co. Limited

All UK companiesActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Co. Limited

Residents property management

5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Co. Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule

Address: 5 Benbow Rd W6 0AT London

Phone: +44-161 5985321

Fax: +44-161 5985321

Email: n\a



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Registration data 5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Co. Limited

Register date: 1999-07-21

Register number: 03811372

Type of company: Private Limited Company

Get full report form global database UK for 5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Co. Limited

Owner, director, manager of 5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Co. Limited

Andrew Taylor Director. Address: Benbow Road, London, W6 0AT, England. DoB: September 1971, British

Jeremy Withers Green Director. Address: Benbow Rd, London, W6 0AT. DoB: March 1962, British

Emma Berry Secretary. Address: Benbow Rd, London, W6 0AT. DoB:

Emma Jane Berry Director. Address: 5 Benbow Road, London, W6 0AT. DoB: July 1978, British

Hugh William James Gage Director. Address: Top Flat 5 Benbow Road, London, W6 0AT. DoB: November 1970, British

David Henry O'driscoll Secretary. Address: Churchfields, Church Place, Rodborough, Gloucestershire, GL5 3NF. DoB: October 1963, British

Malcolm Fleming Director. Address: First Floor 5 Benbow Road, London, W6 0AT. DoB: June 1968, British

Jonathan Samuel Howard Kydd Director. Address: 7 Dewhurst Road, London, W14 0ET. DoB: April 1954, British

David Henry O'driscoll Director. Address: Churchfields, Church Place, Rodborough, Gloucestershire, GL5 3NF. DoB: October 1963, British

Jobs in 5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Co. Limited vacancies. Career and practice on 5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Co. Limited. Working and traineeship

Project Co-ordinator. From GBP 1800

Plumber. From GBP 1700

Other personal. From GBP 1200

Project Planner. From GBP 2100

Administrator. From GBP 2200

Welder. From GBP 1600

Administrator. From GBP 2500

Project Planner. From GBP 4000

Engineer. From GBP 2600

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This business called 5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management has been started on Wed, 21st Jul 1999 as a PLC. This business office is contacted at London on 5 Benbow Rd, . If you want to reach the firm by mail, the post code is W6 0AT. It's registration number for 5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Co. Limited is 03811372. This business declared SIC number is 98000 and their NACE code stands for Residents property management. The business latest records were submitted for the period up to 2015-07-31 and the latest annual return was submitted on 2015-07-21. It has been 17 years for 5 Benbow Road (hammersmith) Management Company. Limited in this particular field, it is constantly pushing forward and is very inspiring for it's competition.

As mentioned in this firm's employees register, since 2015 there have been four directors including: Andrew Taylor, Jeremy Withers Green and Emma Jane Berry. In order to help the directors in their tasks, for the last almost one month the company has been providing employment to Emma Berry, who's been focusing on ensuring efficient administration of this company.