Sbm (fort William) Limited
Public houses and bars
Sbm (fort William) Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 6 Ravensdale Court Corpach PH33 7LP Fort William
Phone: +44-1200 8299316
Fax: +44-1278 4939422
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sbm (fort William) Limited
Register date: 2009-11-10
Register number: SC368299
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Sbm (fort William) LimitedOwner, director, manager of Sbm (fort William) Limited
Gordon Richard Bales Director. Address: Ravensdale Court, Corpach, Fort William, Inverness-Shire, PH33 7LP. DoB: September 1951, British
John Michael Maclennan Director. Address: Mossfield Drive, Lochyside, Fort William, Inverness-Shire, PH33 7PE. DoB: March 1959, British
Alistair James Smith Director. Address: Selkirk Place, Fort William, Inverness-Shire, PH33 6OB. DoB: February 1982, British
Jonathan Richard Miles Bell Director. Address: An Aird, Fort William, Inverness-Shire, PH33 6BL. DoB: June 1971, British
Macphee Nominees Limited Corporate-director. Address: An Aird, Fort William, Inverness-Shire, PH33 6BL. DoB:
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Sbm (fort William) has been on the market for at least 7 years. Established under number SC368299, this company operates as a PLC. You may visit the headquarters of the firm during office times at the following location: 6 Ravensdale Court Corpach, PH33 7LP Fort William. The company is classified under the NACe and SiC code 56302 , that means Public houses and bars. Its most recent filed account data documents cover the period up to 2015-11-30 and the most current annual return was released on 2015-11-10. It’s been seven years since Sbm (fort William) Ltd made an appearance in the field can be found at they are unstoppable.
As the data suggests, this firm was started in 2009 and has so far been overseen by four directors, and out of them two (Gordon Richard Bales and John Michael Maclennan) are still employed in the company.