Sdb Electrical Limited
Sdb Electrical Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Centre Of Excellence Hope Park Trevor Foster Way BD5 8HH Bradford
Phone: +44-1244 5355804
Fax: +44-1488 7286376
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sdb Electrical Limited
Register date: 2000-09-14
Register number: 04071229
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Sdb Electrical LimitedOwner, director, manager of Sdb Electrical Limited
Stephen Denver Bean Director. Address: 45 Mayo Avenue, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD5 8HR. DoB: February 1961, British
Gail Sylvia Margaret Bean Secretary. Address: 45 Mayo Avenue, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD5 8HR. DoB:
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Package Manager. From GBP 1800
Administrator. From GBP 2400
Administrator. From GBP 2000
Manager. From GBP 2700
Other personal. From GBP 1300
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Sdb Electrical is a business registered at BD5 8HH Bradford at Centre Of Excellence Hope Park. The company has been in existence since 2000 and is established under the identification number 04071229. The company has been on the English market for 16 years now and the current state is is active. The company principal business activity number is 43210 which stands for Electrical installation. Sdb Electrical Ltd released its latest accounts for the period up to 2015-09-30. The latest annual return was released on 2015-09-14. It has been sixteen years for Sdb Electrical Ltd in this field, it is not planning to stop growing and is very inspiring for it's competition.
We have 1 director at the current moment overseeing this particular company, specifically Stephen Denver Bean who's been executing the director's obligations for 16 years. Additionally, the managing director's responsibilities are constantly backed by a secretary - Gail Sylvia Margaret Bean, from who was recruited by this company on 2000-09-14.