Sweetie Dahlings Cake Design Limited
Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakes
Manufacture of cocoa and chocolate confectionery
Sweetie Dahlings Cake Design Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 4 Shooters Hill Pangbourne RG8 7DU Reading
Phone: +44-1288 2596038
Fax: +44-1288 2596038
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sweetie Dahlings Cake Design Limited
Register date: 2014-01-17
Register number: 08849846
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Sweetie Dahlings Cake Design LimitedOwner, director, manager of Sweetie Dahlings Cake Design Limited
Peta Foley Secretary. Address: Owlsmoor, Sandhurst, Surrey, GU47 0UT, England. DoB:
Peta Foley Director. Address: Shooters Hill, Pangbourne, Reading, Berkshire, RG8 7DU. DoB: February 1976, British
Rosemary Ellis-unwin Secretary. Address: Shooters Hill, Pangbourne, Reading, RG8 7DU, United Kingdom. DoB:
Rosemary Ellis-unwin Director. Address: Shooters Hill, Pangbourne, Reading, Berkshire, RG8 7DU. DoB: March 1978, British
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Driver. From GBP 1600
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08849846 is a company registration number assigned to Sweetie Dahlings Cake Design Limited. The company was registered as a PLC on 17th January 2014. The company has been present on the British market for the last two years. This enterprise is gotten hold of 4 Shooters Hill Pangbourne in Reading. The zip code assigned to this place is RG8 7DU. This enterprise principal business activity number is 10710 meaning Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakes. The business most recent filed account data documents were submitted for the period up to 2015-01-31 and the most current annual return information was submitted on 2016-01-17. This enterprise managed to reach a significant degree of success around the time when the firm debuted on this market 2 years ago.
Regarding this particular limited company, the full extent of director's duties have so far been performed by Peta Foley who was employed on 17th January 2014. For one year Rosemary Ellis-unwin, age 38 had been working for this specific limited company until the resignation in 2015.