Sweeting Of Leeds Limited
Sweeting Of Leeds Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Unit 11, Thorpe Hill Farm Lingwell Gate Lane WF3 3BX Wakefield
Phone: +44-1450 8300689
Fax: +44-1450 8300689
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sweeting Of Leeds Limited
Register date: 2001-11-06
Register number: 04317684
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Sweeting Of Leeds LimitedOwner, director, manager of Sweeting Of Leeds Limited
Robbie Sweeting Secretary. Address: The Croft, Tingley, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF3 1DX, England. DoB:
Robbie Sweeting Director. Address: The Croft, Tingley, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF3 1DX, England. DoB: April 1968, English
Phillip Sweeting Director. Address: Estoro Farm, Thorpe Lane, Tingley, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF3 1RH. DoB: May 1942, British
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Electrical Supervisor. From GBP 2100
Engineer. From GBP 2900
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Sweeting Of Leeds is a business registered at WF3 3BX Wakefield at Unit 11, Thorpe Hill Farm. This company has been registered in year 2001 and is registered as reg. no. 04317684. This company has been on the English market for 15 years now and the official status is is active. This company is classified under the NACe and SiC code 49410 which stands for Freight transport by road. The most recent filings were filed up to 2014-12-31 and the most recent annual return information was released on 2015-11-06. It's been fifteen years for Sweeting Of Leeds Ltd on the market, it is constantly pushing forward and is very inspiring for it's competition.
Sweeting Of Leeds Ltd is a small-sized transport company with the licence number OB1143154. The firm has one transport operating centre in the country. .
With two job announcements since June 30, 2014, the corporation has been a relatively active employer on the job market. On January 14, 2016, it was searching for new workers for a full time Transport Manager position in Wakefield, and on June 30, 2014, for the vacant position of a full time Hgv Mechanic in Wakefield. Candidates who would like to apply for this career opportunity ought to call the corporation on the following phone number: 07802607145.
We have a single director currently overseeing this limited company, specifically Robbie Sweeting who's been carrying out the director's responsibilities for 15 years. Since 2001 Phillip Sweeting, age 74 had fulfilled assigned duties for this limited company up to the moment of the resignation in 2010. In order to increase its productivity, since 2010 this limited company has been providing employment to Robbie Sweeting, who's been looking into maintaining the company's records.