Sweetings (city) Limited
Licensed restaurants
Sweetings (city) Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 167 Turners Hill EN8 9BH Cheshunt
Phone: +44-1243 9923095
Fax: +44-1243 9923095
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sweetings (city) Limited
Register date: 1956-06-12
Register number: 00567496
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Sweetings (city) LimitedOwner, director, manager of Sweetings (city) Limited
Ann Lavinia Barfoot Director. Address: Turners Hill, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 9BH. DoB: May 1936, British
Richard Barfoot Director. Address: Turners Hill, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 9BH, England. DoB: October 1936, British
Richard Barfoot Director. Address: Gardeners Cottage, High Street, Codicote, Hertfordshire, SG4 8SL. DoB: August 1964, British
Jennifer Lindsey Wenborn Director. Address: 17 Malvern Drive, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 0JR. DoB: September 1957, British
Graham Percy Lewis Needham Director. Address: 14 Thrifts Mead, Theydon Bois, Epping, Essex, CM16 7NF. DoB: July 1934, British
Patricia Ellen Needham Director. Address: 14 Thrifts Mead, Theydon Bois, Epping, Essex, CM16 7NF. DoB: June 1931, British
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00567496 - registration number of Sweetings (city) Limited. This company was registered as a Private Limited Company on 1956-06-12. This company has been present on the British market for 60 years. The firm could be gotten hold of 167 Turners Hill in Cheshunt. The company area code assigned to this location is EN8 9BH. The firm is registered with SIC code 56101 : Licensed restaurants. Sweetings (city) Ltd reported its account information up till 2015/06/30. The business latest annual return information was submitted on 2016/04/14. Sweetings (city) Ltd is one of the rare examples that a well prospering business can last for over sixty years and continually achieve great success.
Within the following business, a number of director's obligations have so far been done by Ann Lavinia Barfoot and Richard Barfoot. As for these two managers, Richard Barfoot has been with the business for the longest period of time, having been a member of directors' team since 15 years ago.