Sweetness Catering Uk Ltd
Licensed restaurants
Event catering activities
Sweetness Catering Uk Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 206 Mays Lane EN5 2QQ Barnet
Phone: +44-1571 9274627
Fax: +44-1571 9274627
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Sweetness Catering Uk Ltd
Register date: 2011-04-15
Register number: 07606569
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Sweetness Catering Uk LtdOwner, director, manager of Sweetness Catering Uk Ltd
Christopher Ajayi Director. Address: Mays Lane, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 2QQ, United Kingdom. DoB: November 1973, British
Jobs in Sweetness Catering Uk Ltd vacancies. Career and practice on Sweetness Catering Uk Ltd. Working and traineeship
Tester. From GBP 3600
Plumber. From GBP 1700
Package Manager. From GBP 2300
Engineer. From GBP 2000
Driver. From GBP 2400
Cleaner. From GBP 1200
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Sweetness Catering Uk Ltd with the registration number 07606569 has been on the market for five years. This particular PLC is located at 206 Mays Lane, , Barnet and their zip code is EN5 2QQ. This firm Standard Industrial Classification Code is 56101 which means Licensed restaurants. The company's latest records were submitted for the period up to April 30, 2015 and the most recent annual return information was released on April 15, 2016. Sweetness Catering Uk Limited has been the local leader in this field for the last 5 years.
The company owns one restaurant or cafe. Its FHRSID is 73821. It reports to Dacorum and its last food inspection was carried out on 21st October 2015 in Hemel One - Ground Floor, Dacorum, HP2 7YU. The most recent quality assessment result obtained by the company is 5, which translates as very good. The components comprising this value are the following inspection results: 5 for hygiene, 0 for its structural management and 5 for confidence in management.
On 3rd October 2014, the enterprise was looking for a Barista/Catering Assistant to fill a full time post in the food production in Hemel Hempstead, Home Counties. They offered a full time job with salary £13650 per year. In order to apply for the post, the candidates were supposed to email the company at the following address: [email protected].
Presently, this firm is guided by a solitary managing director: Christopher Ajayi, who was chosen to lead the company in 2011.