Leyton Foot Clinic Limited

All UK companiesHuman health and social work activitiesLeyton Foot Clinic Limited

Other human health activities

Leyton Foot Clinic Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule

Address: Suite 16 Beaufort Court Admirals Way South Quay Docklands E14 9XL London

Phone: +44-1357 6880432

Fax: +44-1357 6880432

Email: n\a



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Registration data Leyton Foot Clinic Limited

Register date: 2007-05-21

Register number: 06254289

Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Owner, director, manager of Leyton Foot Clinic Limited

Devinder Munday Secretary. Address: High Road, Leyton, London, E15 2BP. DoB:

Satvinder Munday Director. Address: High Road, Leyton, London, E15 2BP. DoB: October 1967, British

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Other personal. From GBP 1000

Tester. From GBP 3800

Carpenter. From GBP 2000

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Leyton Foot Clinic Limited could be contacted at Suite 16 Beaufort Court Admirals Way, South Quay Docklands in London. Its zip code is E14 9XL. Leyton Foot Clinic has existed on the market for nine years. Its registration number is 06254289. The enterprise SIC code is 86900 which means Other human health activities. Leyton Foot Clinic Ltd filed its account information up to 2015-05-31. The firm's latest annual return was filed on 2016-04-30. The enterprise can look back on the successful 9 years on this market, with a bright future yet to come.

At present, this business is directed by just one director: Satvinder Munday, who was assigned to lead the company in May 2007. In order to find professional help with legal documentation, for the last nearly one month this business has been making use of Devinder Munday, who's been tasked with ensuring efficient administration of the company.