Mkh Estate Agents Ltd
Dormant Company
Mkh Estate Agents Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 126 St. Helens Road BL3 3PJ Bolton
Phone: +44-1547 5978729
Fax: +44-1547 5978729
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Mkh Estate Agents Ltd
Register date: 2013-11-04
Register number: 08761234
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Mkh Estate Agents LtdOwner, director, manager of Mkh Estate Agents Ltd
Irfan Hussain Director. Address: Lever Edge Lane, Bolton, BL3 3HU, United Kingdom. DoB: July 1984, British
Shakeeb Hussain Director. Address: Lever Edge Lane, Bolton, BL3 3HU, United Kingdom. DoB: October 1986, British
Mohammed Kauser Hussain Director. Address: Lever Edge Lane, Bolton, BL3 3HU, United Kingdom. DoB: August 1955, British
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Mkh Estate Agents Ltd can be reached at 126 St. Helens Road, in Bolton. The company's postal code is BL3 3PJ. Mkh Estate Agents has existed in this business since the company was started on 2013/11/04. The company's reg. no. is 08761234. The firm is known under the name of Mkh Estate Agents Ltd. Moreover it also operated as M Hussain & Sons until it was changed one year from now. This business declared SIC number is 99999 and their NACE code stands for Dormant Company. The company's most recent filed account data documents were filed up to 2014-11-30 and the most current annual return was released on 2015-05-11.
As the data suggests, the following limited company was formed in 2013/11/04 and has so far been led by three directors, and out of them two (Irfan Hussain and Shakeeb Hussain) are still active.