Mkm Entertainment Ltd
Public houses and bars
Mkm Entertainment Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 152 Stoke Newington Road N16 7XA London
Phone: +44-191 8566284
Fax: +44-191 8566284
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Mkm Entertainment Ltd
Register date: 2011-07-12
Register number: 07702660
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Mkm Entertainment LtdOwner, director, manager of Mkm Entertainment Ltd
David Mofford Director. Address: Stoke Newington Road, London, N16 7XA, England. DoB: April 1950, British
Mrw William Knowles-mofford Director. Address: Stoke Newington Road, London, N16 7XA, England. DoB: April 1990, British
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Mkm Entertainment is a company located at N16 7XA London at 152 Stoke Newington Road. This enterprise has been in existence since 2011 and is established under the identification number 07702660. This enterprise has been present on the English market for 5 years now and company official state is is active. This enterprise is classified under the NACe and SiC code 56302 : Public houses and bars. 2015-07-31 is the last time company accounts were filed. This enterprise managed to reach a significant degree of success right after the firm started in this particular field five years ago.
The company operates in Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen and Pub/bar/nightclub. Its FHRSID is 12/00272/FOOD. It reports to Newham and its last food inspection was carried out on 2015-12-03 in 5-7 Cedars Road, London, E15 4NF. The most recent quality assessment result obtained by the company is 1, which translates as major improvement necessary. The components comprising this value are the following inspection results: 15 for hygiene, 15 for its structural management and 20 for confidence in management.
Current directors registered by this particular company include: David Mofford hired 5 years ago and Mrw William Knowles-mofford hired 5 years ago.