Mohammed Raja Lettings Ltd
Mohammed Raja Lettings Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 84 Chester Street RG30 1LP Reading
Phone: +44-1252 9712707
Fax: +44-1252 9712707
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Mohammed Raja Lettings Ltd
Register date: 2012-03-09
Register number: 07983766
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Mohammed Raja Lettings LtdOwner, director, manager of Mohammed Raja Lettings Ltd
Mohammed Talib Hussain Raja Director. Address: Chester Street, Reading, RG30 1LP, England. DoB: January 1987, British
Shabir Wahid Chowdhary Director. Address: Chester Street, Reading, RG30 1LP, England. DoB: March 1986, British
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This particular Mohammed Raja Lettings Ltd company has been in this business field for at least four years, having started in 2012. Started with registration number 07983766, Mohammed Raja Lettings is a PLC located in 84 Chester Street, Reading RG30 1LP. This company declared SIC number is 68310 and has the NACE code: Real estate agencies. Mohammed Raja Lettings Limited released its account information up till 2015-03-31. The latest annual return information was filed on 2016-03-09. This company achieved a significant degree of success around the time when the firm appeared on the market 4 years ago.
There seems to be 1 managing director presently employed by the following company, specifically Mohammed Talib Hussain Raja who has been doing the director's responsibilities for four years. Since 2013 Shabir Wahid Chowdhary, age 30 had performed assigned duties for the company up to the moment of the resignation in 2014.