Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Ltd
Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 12 Copsterhill Road OL8 1QB Oldham
Phone: 07581883343
Fax: 07581883343
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Ltd
Register date: 2013-12-27
Register number: 08826724
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre LtdOwner, director, manager of Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Ltd
Sahibzada Noor Ul Arfeen Director. Address: Copsterhill Road, Oldham, OL8 1QB, England. DoB: January 1977, British
Jobs in Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Ltd vacancies. Career and practice on Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Ltd. Working and traineeship
Welder. From GBP 1800
Assistant. From GBP 1800
Electrical Supervisor. From GBP 1500
Project Planner. From GBP 4000
Administrator. From GBP 2300
Package Manager. From GBP 1400
Carpenter. From GBP 2400
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This particular Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Ltd business has been operating on the market for at least three years, as it's been established in 2013. Started with Registered No. 08826724, Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre is a Private Limited Company with office in 12 Copsterhill Road, Oldham OL8 1QB. This enterprise declared SIC number is 85520 which means Cultural education. Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Limited released its account information for the period up to Wednesday 31st December 2014. The business latest annual return was filed on Sunday 27th December 2015. Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Limited has been a leader in this particular field for 3 years.
The firm became a charity on Monday 10th November 2014. It works under charity registration number 1159142. The range of the company's area of benefit is not defined and it works in many towns and cities across Oldham. The Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre discloses the names of three members of its trustee board, and these are Bakht Jamal, Nazar Hussain and Sahibzada Noor Ul Arfeen. Mohi Ul Islam Educational And Welfare Centre Limited focuses on charitable purposes, the area of religious activities, armed forces / emergency service efficiency. It strives to improve the situation of the elderly, the general public, children or young people. It provides help to the above agents by the means of providing specific services and providing open spaces, buildings and facilities. If you wish to learn more about the enterprise's activities, dial them on this number 07581883343 or go to their website.
There's a single director this particular moment running the company, namely Sahibzada Noor Ul Arfeen who has been utilizing the director's duties for three years.