Mohsin Cooper Limited
Architectural activities
Mohsin Cooper Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 16 West Barnes Lane SW20 0BU London
Phone: +44-1520 6956512
Fax: +44-1520 6956512
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Mohsin Cooper Limited
Register date: 2010-06-17
Register number: 07287902
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Mohsin Cooper LimitedOwner, director, manager of Mohsin Cooper Limited
Justin Adam Cooper Secretary. Address: West Barnes Lane, London, SW20 0BU, England. DoB:
Abraham Marcel Mohsin Secretary. Address: West Barnes Lane, London, SW20 0BU, England. DoB:
Justin Adam Cooper Director. Address: West Barnes Lane, London, SW20 0BU, England. DoB: December 1970, British
Abraham Marcel Mohsin Director. Address: West Barnes Lane, London, SW20 0BU, England. DoB: March 1971, British
Yomtov Eliezer Jacobs Director. Address: Leicester Road, Salford, Manchester, M7 4AS, England. DoB: October 1970, British
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The firm known as Mohsin Cooper has been established on 2010-06-17 as a PLC. The firm head office can be contacted at London on 16 West Barnes Lane, . When you want to reach the company by post, its area code is SW20 0BU. It's company registration number for Mohsin Cooper Limited is 07287902. six years from now the company switched its name from Abbeyminster to Mohsin Cooper Limited. The firm declared SIC number is 71111 - Architectural activities. Mohsin Cooper Ltd reported its account information up until Tue, 30th Jun 2015. The latest annual return information was submitted on Wed, 17th Jun 2015. It's been 6 years from the moment Mohsin Cooper Ltd began to play a significant role in this field of business.
As the data suggests, this company was incorporated six years ago and has been led by three directors, and out this collection of individuals two (Justin Adam Cooper and Abraham Marcel Mohsin) are still actively participating in the company's life. In order to maximise its growth, for the last almost one month the following company has been implementing the ideas of Justin Adam Cooper, who has been looking into successful communication and correspondence within the firm.