Ok Canaan Ltd
Other service activities not elsewhere classified
Ok Canaan Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 58 Hermit Road E16 4LF London
Phone: +44-1348 4695800
Fax: +44-1348 4695800
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Ok Canaan Ltd
Register date: 2007-06-13
Register number: 06278451
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Ok Canaan LtdOwner, director, manager of Ok Canaan Ltd
Doreen Chiu Director. Address: Hermit Road, Canning Town, London, E16 4LF, United Kingdom. DoB: December 1970, British
Yu-Liang Lee Secretary. Address: Hermit Road, London, E16 4LF, United Kingdom. DoB:
Liting Jian Secretary. Address: Hermit Road, London, E16 4LF, England. DoB:
Yu-Liang Lee Secretary. Address: Hermit Road, Canning Town, E16 4LF. DoB:
Doreen Chiu Secretary. Address: Waldegrave Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM8 2QD. DoB:
Yao-Hung Koo Director. Address: Waldegrave Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM8 2QD. DoB: May 1970, Taiwan
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Ok Canaan Ltd 's been in this business for at least nine years. Registered under the number 06278451 in the year June 13, 2007, the company is based at 58 Hermit Road, London E16 4LF. This enterprise is registered with SIC code 96090 meaning Other service activities not elsewhere classified. 2015-06-30 is the last time the company accounts were filed. It's been 9 years from the moment Ok Canaan Limited began to play a significant role in this line of business.
The corporation has two trademarks, all are valid. The first trademark was submitted in 2014.
Up until now, this specific company has only been supervised by one director: Doreen Chiu who has been hired by it for four years. That company had been directed by Yao-Hung Koo (age 46) who eventually gave up the position on January 1, 2012.