Oxenpark Gate (bridford) Management Company Limited
Residents property management
Oxenpark Gate (bridford) Management Company Limited contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: Clyst Works Clyst Road Topsham EX3 0DB Exeter
Phone: +44-23 6887298
Fax: +44-23 6887298
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Oxenpark Gate (bridford) Management Company Limited
Register date: 2004-05-24
Register number: 05135908
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Oxenpark Gate (bridford) Management Company LimitedOwner, director, manager of Oxenpark Gate (bridford) Management Company Limited
Jeremy Mark Parker Secretary. Address: Broom Park, Black Torrington, Beaworthy, Devon, EX21 5QB. DoB: n\a, British
Michael George Bailey Director. Address: Cawdron Cottage, Liftondown, Lifton, Devon, PL16 0DA. DoB: April 1954, British
Trevor John Harreld Secretary. Address: 5 Radnor Place, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4EH. DoB: n\a, British
Waterlow Secretaries Limited Corporate-nominee-secretary. Address: 6-8 Underwood Street, London, N1 7JQ. DoB:
Waterlow Nominees Limited Corporate-nominee-director. Address: 6-8 Underwood Street, London, N1 7JQ. DoB:
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Other personal. From GBP 1200
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The day the firm was started is 2004-05-24. Established under 05135908, this firm operates as a Private Limited Company. You may visit the main office of this firm during its opening times under the following address: Clyst Works Clyst Road Topsham, EX3 0DB Exeter. The enterprise principal business activity number is 98000 meaning Residents property management. The firm's latest filed account data documents cover the period up to 2015-05-31 and the latest annual return information was submitted on 2016-05-24. Twelve years of competing in this line of business comes to full flow with Oxenpark Gate (bridford) Management Co Limited as they managed to keep their customers happy throughout their long history.
Michael George Bailey is this firm's single director, who was chosen to lead the company 12 years ago. Moreover, the managing director's duties are regularly aided by a secretary - Jeremy Mark Parker, from who was hired by this limited company eight years ago.