Re Quinn Architects Ltd
Architectural activities
Re Quinn Architects Ltd contacts: address, phone, fax, email, website, shedule
Address: 14 Princes Street Dromore BT25 1AY
Phone: +44-118 5698577
Fax: +44-118 5698577
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Re Quinn Architects Ltd
Register date: 2008-03-05
Register number: NI068375
Type of company: Private Limited Company
Get full report form global database UK for Re Quinn Architects LtdOwner, director, manager of Re Quinn Architects Ltd
John Mcmeekin Director. Address: 17 Clanconnel Gardens, Waringstown, BT66 7RP. DoB: December 1956, British
Adam Edward James Quinn Director. Address: 52 Edenderry Village, Belfast, BT8 8LG. DoB: June 1977, British
Olivia Sharon Quinn Director. Address: 26 Cabragh Road, Tandragee, Co Armagh, BT62 2HL. DoB: April 1952, British
Robert Edward Quinn Director. Address: 26 Cabragh Road, Tandragee, BT62 2HL. DoB: December 1959, British
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Re Quinn Architects Ltd is established as PLC, with headquarters in 14 Princes Street, Dromore , Dromore. The post code is BT25 1AY The enterprise was created in 2008-03-05. Its registration number is NI068375. The enterprise is classified under the NACe and SiC code 71111 meaning Architectural activities. 2015-03-31 is the last time the accounts were filed. This year marks 8 years since Re Quinn Architects Limited made an appearance in the field is officially located at they are unstoppable.
The info we posses that details the following enterprise's executives reveals there are four directors: John Mcmeekin, Adam Edward James Quinn, Olivia Sharon Quinn and Olivia Sharon Quinn who became a part of the team on 2008-03-05.